
Latest Scry (#4):

Shows scry from #3 at start. Confirms a double standard between candle light and A/C LED light. My typical LED bulb was unavail so I was able to scry the LED on the electronic piano. Same parallels between the different LED (bulb vs. electric piano). Some may recall my first experience, the fading LED on the old powerbook g4 laptops were also scryable, which initialized my awareness of this non-locality gateway. Not sure how, unless there is an A/C inversion to that LED light in those old powerbooks.

I'll do something to connect the aleatoric to the scrying on the concept of observatory and awareness affect or flux in the feedback relationship on consciousness awareness and universal mind, how that bridges to singularity.

Project idea:
I would love to build some platform to allow anonymous interpretations of symbols and their connections. Any references to build from idea to actualization on the web are welcome. Such would inspire me to do more frequent scrying. I would want this platform to also welcome others to scry in some community driven fashion. I was thinking such system most appropriately be hosted off the Aleatory Records site from a sub-domain.

I want to put scrying at my center conscience to assist in the dissimilation between the dis- mis- information on the external.

I would welcome first persons with non-affiliated openness in their approach to understanding.

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