
Excerpts from Trapezoid Thoughts

reality: The Reality sensed as registered to mind.
Reality: What is.

–Activity in the moment of chance.

The process is feedback loop relationships between systems having no dependency on cognition.

–Activity as performed or relayed in the moment of chance.

The process is feedback loop relationships between systems not having a dependency on cognition.

Trapezoid: Containment by anti-parallel relationship of the perceptual senses with Reality.

Thought: Subsystems of conditional feedback with respect to system and input of other systems comprising of larger systems that are in constant conditional feed-back with each other. Thought process has a dependence on past–that is a process by reduction of symbolic information to their parts and distribution of those parts into a network of shared elements that comprise the building blocks of memory.

Trapezoid Thinking: Recognizing the components that comprise ‘Trapezoid’ and ‘Thought’ to induce the nature and relationships between reality and Reality and in doing so redefining our approach to validating the conditions of dualism and will before approaching questions concerning existence.


Relationship of feedback process loop representation of sensory information of systems that respond back in reality that concur a relationship of feedback with response, and with Will of thought from response to Reality of both or more systems, is language through communication.

The quality of the accessories of language, that being relations and correlations to our relationships of our sensed and imagined reality and those concepts symbolically represented, provides for what tools of these accessories are necessary to insure what level of thought can be reached. Can the gap of communication between humans and apes, for example, while being dissolved though our relationships with them, bring out of them an individuality we were not aware? My cat is an individual as demonstrated by it’s character of behavior. Could this imply and perhaps can we induce that behavior is dependent on thought process and if thought process is individual, then so is behavior? If we introduce a language of accessories to this animal, does that give the animal individual thought processes an individuality in thinking?

Was as reality:

Only now exists, but the moment had is a moment closer to an awareness of that now which no longer exists.

Hence, reality is Reality had filtered through and with in the scope of our sense perception.

An Illustration:

We assume, for example, the visual perception, likewise wave lengths being transliterated to a projection made distinguishable by already stored associations of conditioned wave lengths, that this process maybe analogous to how a computer transliterates the language of the human language to hex address instruction.

While this analogy holds true for an approximate understanding, the analogy fails to support the condition of awareness, that awareness is the participatory inclusion of self in Reality; reality is just a perceptual extension of Reality–That is, the reality experienced and the Reality that is becomes transliterated into the reality perceived (projected in mind.) It maybe understood better to think analogous, the human as reality and the computer as Reality, that being the awareness relationship between the two being limited to the interface. However the consciousness, that being comprised of the Westernized concepts of suband un-conscious, do not interface with Reality but rather share it's space, and can thus, through meditative, or otherwise, creative exercises unexpectedly bring about a realization of some thought originating from Reality-- creativity is it's strongest when autonomous, and being autonomous, the behavior of the output is dependent not on the cognitive mind but the spectrum of consciousness.

Inability to observe the causality relationships as a complete system; either system is larger than our own grasp or our approximation of it does not account for the system because it’s dependencies or cause are in a part of Reality that does not show up in reality.

Act of subtracting the elements experienced/learned to deduce the space between as a means, use that to doubt the elements had as a platform for derviving thought processes to arrive at personal answers.

A re-representation of reality or it’s relationships to Reality through the artist’s Individuality.

Mind vs. Brain/reality:

Mind cannot operate as such without language, that language is an establishment of relationships between mind and external reality.

The learning of language is in establishing relationships between our inner world (mind) and external world (reality.) The type of relationships we have establishes the type of feedback we use with it, that it be a relationship of another occurrence, the relationship of that projected experience to another set of relationships in mind or the relationship of that projected experience back into external reality.

It is not so important the question of the physical properties, rather the type of process we know what activity exhibit.

The process is some sort of a conditional feedback autonomy with Reality as whole, both the projected one from our senses (external) and a Reality we must assume (internal and external become irrelevant), that is not with in the scope of our senses or mental awareness.

The mind does the thinking, not the brain. Brain activity is only approximate parallel to the causal processing that is happening in Reality. Mind orchestrates Reality into reality through our limited interface with Reality.

The mind is not entirely dependent of the brain as we must consider:
(((feedback relationships)
1. with the external reality we assume)
2. with our senses)
1. Feedback has conditional properties defined by feedback sequencing
2. External, 'assumed' is also thinking, since thought can be considered a sense and thinking is also a feedback process of the mind.
3. Senses referring to the reality projected in our minds. ((and the reality we can theorize)
4. as supporting the condition of what is existence.)
4. Assuming that there is some form of secondary reality or one that is of the same reality we experience that has an existence and properties of which are outside of the sensual realm we project into our minds.
5. The question "what is existence" and even such what is the "Monad"(Leibniz) begs us to step outside of our physical sense of reality and into some other theoretical model, such as information theory or as it may for Wittgenstein, Pink Elephants. This clause begins a support for defining dualist argument. What we assume to know and associate as physical brain is related to mind in that the mind, or the anti-mind property of Now, orchestrates the Will of thought.

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